COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Approved for age 12 and older

The FDA and CDC have both approved a COVID-19 booster for children age 12-15, so now everyone age 12 and over is eligible to receive a booster vaccine 5 months after their second vaccine if they had Pfizer, and 6 months after if they had Moderna (only 18+).

At Roslindale Pediatrics, we highly recommend receiving the booster to make sure our patients are fully protected. We are unable to set up anymore COVID-19 Vaccine clinics but we may be able to offer the vaccine at your child’s well visit and this website makes it easy to schedule a vaccine elsewhere.

We also understand it is very difficult to obtain a COVID-19 test right now, so please access this website to look for locations near you. Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to test patients for return to school, travel, or after they have been diagnosed with COVID-19. As a reminder, a positive at home antigen test is just as accurate as a PCR and should not be confirmed with a PCR test. If your child has symptoms and has a negative at home test, this is not as accurate and we should see them in the office.