COVID-19 Update


Roslindale Pediatrics is experiencing an unprecedented amount of phone calls, requests for visits and COVID testing demands during the current COVID surge. Many of our staff are currently ill, and we ask for your patience as we work together with limited resources to provide the best care for your children. We understand that the current surge has created significant illness as well as painful social and emotional situations in many homes. We continue to strive to provide the best care possible.

Response Time

You may experience longer than usual wait times when you call or send MyChart messages, particularly outside of business hours. Your messages and calls are being triaged and returned in the order of medical urgency, not in the order of receipt. This is medically appropriate and necessary given the large volume of calls and messages we receive on a daily basis. Please reserve after hours phone calls for urgent medical concerns only. Calls for lab results, non-urgent refills, appointment scheduling requests, or referrals should be made during business hours only. Many calls outside of business hours for these types of requests are contributing to longer than usual wait times.

High Emotions

RPA is sympathetic to our parents' frustrations and concerns regarding their children and the current pandemic. Unfortunately, at times some parents of our patients have directed that frustration towards our staff. We value each and every one of our staff members who have been working tirelessly over the past 2 years during the COVID pandemic, and we can not tolerate abusive behavior towards them. Our staff members have been instructed to discontinue these types of conversations and refer them to their administrator for further attention if necessary. We appreciate your patience with our staff during this difficult time.

Testing Constraints

Please Note: We currently do not have any rapid tests. This is related to extreme demand on a national level. Last year, our practice purchased many testing machines and supplies, which were invaluable in getting real time results on COVID questions. However, we are currently unable to use these machines due to lack of testing supplies. We are working with our suppliers to regain this resource and anticipate we will be able to do so relatively soon. The only option for COVID testing through our office is a PCR, which can take several days to result. We encourage you to utilize other testing resources, including state and city run testing sites, if you are able. Please visit our website for more information.

COVID Test Results Communication

We understand that you are anxious to receive your COVID results and would appreciate your utilization of MyChart for all results. COVID results are released to MyChart as soon as they are available. In fact, you will receive the results simultaneously when our office receives them. Calling our office will not expedite your access to the results.

Isolation and Quarantine Information

We know that isolation and quarantine guideline changes have been confusing. Our website is updated to reflect the most current information. Please access our website if you need any clarification.

Thank you for your continued patience during this difficult time.