Opening our Waiting Room for All Visits

As RPA prepares for the much anticipated announcement from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to end the public health emergency on May 11th, we continue to assess and adapt our office policies as appropriate. The overall well-being of our patients and staff is always our first priority. RPA has continued to weigh the risks and benefits of fully opening our waiting room to all patients (both sick and well) vs. continuing the parking lot check-in process for sick patients.

Effective Monday, May 1st, we will fully open our waiting room to all patients (both sick and well) but will also continue to offer parking lot check-in via telephone and MyChart check-in to all patients. We highly encourage the MyChart option to check-in for all well visits (whether from the parking lot or the waiting room) so that all required questionnaires can be completed electronically before the office visit. If you prefer to wait in the parking lot rather than the waiting room, you can still call from your car to check-in and inform the staff that you prefer to be called into the office when your room is ready.

Our hope is to increase patient satisfaction by allowing all patients the opportunity to check-in and attend visits according to their individual comfort level. We will keep monitoring the situation and may revert back to parking lot check-in for sick patients during times of increased illness. Thank you for your patience and willingness to be flexible.

Should you have any questions or concerns with this new policy, please feel free to contact the office at 617-522-3100 and ask to speak with the Practice Administrator. Your feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.