COVID-19 Vaccines

As you have probably heard, COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed to healthcare workers and we wanted to let our patients know that we have been vaccinating our own staff here at Roslindale Pediatrics over the past few weeks.

We have been putting measures in place here in the office to decrease the spread of COVID-19 and we appreciate everyone’s patience during these difficult times. We are hopeful that vaccinating our staff will give an even bigger impact in our fight against this virus. We want to make sure we can continue to treat our patients in the safest way possible in these unsure times.

The vaccine is not yet available to the general public or people under age 16, but we know some of our patients and patients’ parents fall into the group that is currently eligible. Below is a link to the CDC with information about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine:

COVID-19 Vaccine CDC Info

Feel free to call us with any questions, and refer to our COVID-19 page for updates on guidelines.