We hope that you all had an excellent summer!

As you are probably all aware, the FDA has fully approved the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine, now named Comirnaty, for ages 16 and up. It still remains available under emergency use authorization for children 12-15. As a reminder, Roslindale Pediatrics strongly recommends that all of our patients eligible for the vaccine receive it. If you are looking for a place to get yourself or your child vaccinated, please see the Vaxfinder site at

Currently, there are very few contraindications to receiving the Covid vaccine. Unless you meet the CDC criteria for contraindication, we are not able to write exemption letters.

CDC considers a history of the following to be a contraindication to vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines:

-Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) after a previous dose or to a component of the COVID-19 vaccine

-Immediate allergic reaction of any severity to a previous dose or known (diagnosed) allergy to a component of the vaccine

Additionally, as our school aged patients are gearing up for the school year, we wanted to share the following resource regarding masks, as it is likely that many children will once again be required to wear masks in school this year.

Finally - it's almost Flu Shot time! Stay tuned for updates soon as we get our flu clinics up and running.

Wishing all of our families good health and patience with the changing guidelines as we head back into the school year.