Nutramigen Recall

FDA has issued a recall for powder Nutramigen infant formula due to concern for contamination in some of its products. If you have powder Nutramigen, please check the code, and if listed here do not use anymore. You can find out more here at the FDA website. And call our office if you have any other questions.

ZL3FHG (12.6 oz cans);

  • ZL3FMH (12.6 oz cans);

  • ZL3FPE (12.6 oz cans);

  • ZL3FQD (12.6 oz cans);

  • ZL3FRW (19.8 oz cans); and

  • ZL3FXJ (12.6 oz cans).

The products have a UPC Code of 300871239418 or 300871239456 and “Use By Date” of “1 Jan 2025”.

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are wishing you and your family and happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

We will be closed on Thursday, 11/23/23, in honor of the holiday, and open on Friday 11/24/23 for same day sick appointments only. If you have an urgent issue that cannot wait until next week you can call the office Friday for an appointment. We are always available 24/7 for anything urgent that cannot wait.

FDA Warning: possible lead contamination in applesauce

The FDA is warning that 3 brands of cinnamon applesauce pouches, Wanabana, Schnucks, and Weis, may contain lead. Most of these products are not sold in MA. Click here for information from the FDA website. If you have these products at home, discard them or bring them back to the retailer for a refund. If you are concerned that your child has eaten any of these products, you can call us to discuss getting a blood test to check their lead level.

Shortage of new RSV immunization

We are saddened to hear that there is a shortage of the new RSV immunizations for babies, Beyfortus. Based on availability, we may be able to offer this to our vulnerable patients under 11 pounds. You can read more about the shortage here. Again, we apologize for this inconvenience and are hopeful that throughout this RSV season more will be available and will keep our patients updated if so.

There is a new RSV vaccine for pregnant mothers between 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. This should provide protection for your newborn, so ask your Ob/Gyn doctor about receiving this.

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

The CDC and FDA have approved a new COVID-19 vaccine for the 23-24 season, and it is recommended for all patients age 6 months and up who have not had a previous COVID-19 vaccine in the past 2 months, or have not had the infection in the past 3 months.

We will have COVID-19 and flu vaccine clinics starting October 14, so keep an eye out for a portal message, and we will be administering them in the office if you are here for an appointment, if they are available that day. They are also readily available at local pharmacies and at Boston Children’s Hospital. To schedule an appointment for flu or COVID-19 vaccine at Boston Children’s you can visit the MyChildren's Patient Portal or call the scheduling line at 617-919-7102

Here is the link to the CDC website with information on the new vaccine and the schedule. If you have any questions you can always call us.

RSV immunizations

We know a lot of our patients are very interested in the new immunization for RSV, nirsevimab. It is currently not yet available but as soon as it is available to give in the office we will let our patients know through the patient portal and on the website. It is recommended for all babies under 8 months as a 1 time dose. For more information you can click here for the CDC website.